Thanks for the feedback. Can you guess Feedsy’s NPS?

We recently sent out our simple quarterly Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey to get a feel for how are going.

A huge thank you for everyone who took the time to click their score and provide us some feedback.

It is really helpful to get your thoughts on what we are doing well and what we could be doing to be even better.


What is a Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

For those not familiar with NPS surveys, we simply ask how likely is that you would recommend us to someone else (on a scale of 1 – 10).


Feedsy Net Promoter Score NPS question with Orange border

Want to know more about NPS? Check out our recent article.


Some of your recent feedback

Here is some people shared with us in our most recent NPS:


“One less thing for me to have to do!”
Kevin (10/10)


“Interesting news feeds and a great way to reach our clients”
Matt (9/10)


“Feedsy put together a good mix of articles each time, both lifestyle and technical. Great service from the team. Have been part of this since early on and it has been a great investment.”
Simon (10/10)


“Nothing to improve upon at this stage. Feedsy is easy to use and has a good breadth of articles available. Especially like the addition of TED Talks.”
Curtis (8/10)


Whilst it was awesome to find out why people love us we also valued your constructive criticisms and ideas. And remember if you every have issues simply email Feedsy support.

If you want to provide your score and feedback, search your inbox for We’d love your feedback, do you have a minute?


What is a good Net Promoter Score?

NPS is calculated as [% of promoters = % of 10 & 9 votes] – [% of detracters = % of 1 – 6 votes].

Given the NPS range of -100 to +100″

  • A “positive” score or NPS above 0 is considered “good”
  • +50 is “Excellent,”
  • Above 70 is considered “world class.”

Based on global NPS standards, any score above 0 would be considered “good.” This simply means that the majority of your customer base is more loyal.


What is Feedsy’s NPS

So in this quarter alone, we had

  • 10 (25%)
  • 9 (37.5%)
  • 8 (37.5%)
  • 1 – 6 (0%)


So our NPS was…


drum roll please…




 [25+37.5%] – [0%]

= 62.5



Which is awesome.
But there is obviously still room for improvement.


Thanks again to everyone who took the time to provide feedback.



If you would like to find out more about manual or scheduled NPS emails check out FeedsyNPS.


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


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