[Report] Feedsy email engagement exceeds industry benchmarks

About this time each year, leading email marketing platform, Campaign Monitor releases its Email Marketing Benchmarks (Australia edition). It’s a great time to see how our customers’ email newsletter performances compare over the same period.

Spoiler alert: Feedsy customers’ exceeded industry standards in all of the key metrics.

The benchmarks that matter are open and click-through rates. These are defined as:

  • Open rate – is the percentage of emails opened of the total received.
    So 10% would mean that 10% of people who receive an email opened it to have a look.
  • Click-through rate – is of the percentage of total number of articles/links clicked on per opened email.
    So 2% would mean that 2% of subscribers who opened an email then clicked-on articles/links to find out more.

In both cases, the higher the number the better.

Average email benchmarks for all industries
Campaign Monitor (vs Feedsy)

  • Average open rate: 19% (vs 40%)
  • Average click-through rate: 2.7% (vs 9.1%)

So on average, Feedsy customers’ emails are being opened a little more than double the national average and clicked-on by over triple the rates of the report.

The report also breaks down these statistics by industry type – and our numbers remained on top!

Some other highlights of Feedsy customers’ metrics:

  • 98.0% had higher open rates than the report average
  • 11.4% had open rates in excess of 50%
  • The highest Feedsy customer average open rate was 68.3%
  • 94.0% had higher click-through rates than the report average
  • 73.3% had click-through rates of more than double the report average
  • The highest Feedsy customer average click-through rate was 47.5%.

Best days of the week:

The report also showed the optimal days to send an email per metric:

  • Best day for highest email open rates: Tuesday
  • Best days for highest click-through rates: Sunday and Tuesday.

So what does this mean?

The data is telling us that, every month, people are not only seeing our customers’ brand in their inboxes but many are wanting to engage and find out more.

We also know that those clicks are a mix or articles read and the CONTACT US button – so on average, almost 1 in 10 people who open an email will read an article, make contact, or engage in some other way.

The data also supports Feedsy’s default sending day: Tuesday (but any day is possible).


Feedsy customers can monitor their monthly open and click-through rates via their FeedsyMailHQ.


If you would like more information about our metrics and how we can help you engage more (in less time) then we are just an email away.


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