New Feedsy StoryMix

Gavin Klose


Remember those compilation albums with all the greatest pop songs of the day? Smash Hits’ 85, 1983 The Hot Ones, Summer Grooves – ah, the memories…

There were usually a handful of songs that you really loved and were the reason you bought the record in the first place but there always seemed to be another subset of tunes that were not really “you”.

That’s where the mix tape came in. This self-made media gave you the ability to put together a smash hit collection that truly matched your personality. I still remember my favourite mix cassette of all time that featured “Our House” by Madness which I loved so much it appeared more than once – on both sides!

Come the digital age, creating a list of tunes that were truly you became easier than the analogue method of playing/pausing/recording/stopping of each song (heck, I can even remember adding songs recorded from the radio – how did I even do that?!). Playlists on iTunes gave you the ability to simply drag and drop purchased songs to create any compilation album you liked. And this became even easier with online streaming services like Spotify by adding any song into a playlist on the fly.

So what has this all got to do with Feedsy you might ask?

Presently all Feedsy clients receive the same 15 stories (or 1 story for FeedsyLite). If you consider each category as a song type, then we are providing the same Smash Hits of the Week for everyone – which we know has selections that you love but there are others that possibly end up on the cutting room floor when reviewed.

Rolling out from the middle of November, you will be able to create a smart playlist of stories to generate a weekly StoryMix that best suits your brand.

You will be able to choose and set your own mix of 10 categories (or one for FeedsyLite) from a selection of 20 (and this choice will be growing over time).

From our observation of analytics (including our recent 100 most clicked stories of all time list) we recommend a healthy mix of categories with a bias toward your industry type.

As well as creating a more tailored collection of articles this will mean it will be easier for you to review each week and re-arrange every month (for those with FeedsyMail).

We are also introducing some new Feedsy Exclusive content for our Finance and Accounting Feedsters.

As well as our content we also encourage you to create your own stories as these are always “Chartbusters” – usually earning a top two spot in your click stats. If you have some ideas, but not the time to craft them into an article then we can write these for you with FeedsyWrite.

Below is our current selection of categories for you to select 10 (or one for FeedsyLite).

Each of these Categories will have one story per week:

  1. Lifestyle (Travel)
  2. Lifestyle (Health, Fitness or Food)
  3. Lifestyle (Entertainment or Sport)
  4. Lifestyle (General)
  5. Technology (General)
  6. Business (Consumer, Commerce and Business Trends)
  7. Business (Industry, Government and Employment)
  8. Property (Sales, Rental and Market Trends)
  9. Property (Homemaking)
  10. Finance (Australian Economy)
  11. Finance (Commodities and World Markets)
  12. Finance (Rates, Currency, Gov Budget)
  13. Finance (Stock Market Commentary)
  14. Finance (Reserve Bank Commentary)
  15. Finance (Retirement and Superannuation)
  16. Finance* (Taxation)
  17. Finance* (Investment Principles and Education)

* Feedsy Exclusives

These categories will have two to three articles per fortnight (so are not suitable for FeedsyLite):

  1. Finance (AMP Capital Market Watch)
  2. Finance (AMP Capital Oliver’s Insights)

This category will have one article per month (so are not suitable for FeedsyLite):

  1. Finance (SMSF)

Feedsters can click this link to quickly and easily make your choices – and can revisit and change it at any time.

Note: if you are too busy to make your choices right now, we will pick a standard mix of 10 for you with a Financial bias (including AMP capital content if you presently receive this) unless you are with FeedsyLite in which case we will provide you Lifestyle (General).

If you have any questions then we are here to help you – please contact [email protected]


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