Wouldn’t it be great to see the popularity of your Feedsy stories?
Due for release later this month, you’ll have charts ranking your stories and categories to see the top ten most clicked and hottest types of articles.
This will give you feedback on what sort of content is most valued by your Feedsy followers.
These additions are part of FeedsyAnalytics inside of your FeedsyCentre dashboard – right next to your new FeedsyMailHQ and FeedsyApps App Annie login boards.
With a single login you can filter the date range of your rankings (eg “Last Week”, “All Time”, “Custom”) and export your entire story rank list for extra scrutiny and reporting.
Stay tuned for screenshots, demo links and instructions on how to see you hottest stories later this month – oh, and also for the exciting news about the new huge upgrade of your FeedsyApps!
If you have any questions or just want to find out more – right now – then please feel free to contact us.