Every day, dozens of email newsletters – if not more – fly in to our inboxes. Some of this email marketing we delete without reading. But, if you’re anything like us, there are a few companies we trust and love whose emails we open time and time again on our mobile phones – because we want to know what they’re up to and what they have to say. The digital world is truly upon us.
Super interesting facts about email marketing
Email marketing is not dead. Far from it. In fact, according to Forbes email marketing in the digital world is used by 80% of content marketers. What does this mean? That if you want to market your content and you’re not yet tapping into emails, then you could be missing out on a whole audience.
Email marketing is good for business, there are no doubts about that. 55% of businesses make more than 10% of their sales from their emailing efforts, according to Hubspot – now that is an impressive stat. So, what are you waiting for? You need to get on to this email train as soon as possible.
Email marketing is more efficient at reaching your audience than other methods
If a reader signs up to receive your emails, you’re already halfway to winning them over. Your audience loves getting emails and will read them too – if it’s an email they’ve decided to sign up for. There’s no need to worry about your email going to waste – the stats show that 95% of people who opt in to an email newsletter from a brand they like find the email a good read.
Make sure your email newsletter is optimised for mobile phones
Last year, about 55% of all emails were opened on a phone, according to Adestra – which is more than half of your readers. This is why it’s vital to ensure your marketing is email optimised, otherwise you’re simply wasting your user’s time.
And if you want your email to stand out in the crowd, it’s important to include images in your newsletters because more than 65% of users say they prefer emails that are visually appealing, with images included.
Don’t underestimate the power of email newsletters
When social media took off, some were mistaken for thinking that it was the end of the email newsletter. But list building certainly hasn’t gone away – and some experts say it’s still more effective emailing potential customers directly than trying to attract more social media shares and follows. The return on investment is certainly higher with emails, when compared to social media.
Hackers relish in email marketing’s power
No, we don’t expect you to hack your customers’ profiles. But we do expect you to note that, if hackers are still using email to try and fool unsuspecting victims, you can bet your bottom dollar email is still an extremely effective communication method.
You probably get spam every day in your inbox – even though email programs are getting pretty good at weeding it out now – and if this spam wasn’t successful sometimes, the hackers wouldn’t keep sending it.
Time to get personal
Email marketing really gives you a chance to flaunt your personality – and readers love this. The more personal you are, the higher the click-through rates you’ll have on your emails, so remember to keep it real.
If you personalise your subject line, your readers are 26% more likely to open your email, says Campaign Monitor.
So what are you waiting for? It’s time to show off who you really are with a brilliant email newsletter!
At Feedsy, we can help you by sending beautiful emails to your subscribers. Generate and convert leads and nurture relationships and referrals by getting in touch with us.