Social Media Channels like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are fast becoming part of our everyday lives.
“It’s not uncommon now for people to wake up in the morning and check their social channels before they even get out of bed”, says Feedsy Content Director Kirsty Parkin. “And it’s not just young people who are caught up in this shift in media consumption.”
Increasingly, older people are catching up on the trend, with Australian Citizens over the age of 55 now representing the fastest-growing category of online shoppers in the country. Because of this mass movement from traditional media forms to social, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to make sure they create and maintain an effective social media presence.
How do I know what Social Media Channels are right for my Business?
There are a number of social media channels out there, with new players in the marketplace vying for our attention all the time. This can feel a little confusing.
“The important thing for small business is to choose one or two channels and focus on posting in these regularly with content that appeals to your market” says Parkin. “If you’re a Feedsy client, as part of your Feedsy package, you receive well-researched, compliant content suitable for social posting every week. Your Feedsy articles are designed to post easily into channels like Facebook and LinkedIn. And when your clients click on them, they’re taken right back to your website to read them. You have everything you need to get started.”
I know what I should be doing, but I dont have the time!
This is the most common complaint we hear from you! Social Media updated regularly can help a small business reach big, but having enough time to choose and schedule your posts, with a personal comment from you, can take time you just don’t have. You’re in luck, because we now have a Feedsy solution for you. If you’re a Feedsy client, you can add FeedsySocial to your package, and for a simple monthly fee we’ll manage your social media for you. We’ll post twice a week in whatever channels you choose, and work with you to maximise your social reach.
Need help getting started?
That’s OK, too! As part of the FeedsySocial package, we can set up your social channels for you as well as manage them on your behalf. We’ll also provide all reporting in a format you can understand, so you can see at a glance how successful your posts have been.
Can I use Social Media to advertise?
Yes, you can. If you select FeedsySocial as part of your Feedsy package, we can work out a plan that’s designed to reach your market and suits your budget. “Social Media is a highly accessible advertising platform for small business”, says Parkin. “It doesn’t cost a lot to promote yourself on a channel like Facebook, and the results are highly trackable. You can see very quickly what’s working and what’s not, and adjust your plan accordingly.”
If you’re a Feedsy client and you’d like to find out how FeedsySocial can help your business reach further, call Kirsty on 0422 758 126, or email on [email protected].