A belated “Happy New Financial Year” to you all.
While we’re all in the mood for taking stock of the year that’s been, it is time again for Feedsy to report on the ten most popular stories of 2014/15.
We have gone through our data and compiled the number of views each of our 769 articles received (excluding our AMP Capital posts) from July 2014 to June 2015 across every customers’ FeedsyApp, Mail and Web.
The number one story was a bumper with a whopping 258% more views than the number two story! However, the difference in number of views between the sixth and equal tenth most popular was only 41 views. And it was even closer between the 11th and 25th most popular (difference of 29 views).
Interestingly, all of the top ten articles had repeat views, meaning that readers came back for more!
Not surprisingly, Finance and Business categories ranked highly but Technology, Lifestyle (and even Sport) stories also featured strongly in the top 20.
Feedsy will be reporting on our 2014/15 story category breakdown soon, stay tuned…
OK, time for the drum-roll….
Starting at number 10, the top ten most popular stories of 2014/15 were:
10 (tied). Summer cricket series: Bob Simpson’s second innings
Peter Hanlon’s (The Age) tribute article about one of the great comeback stories of cricket hit the sweet spot with readers in our first batch of stories in January 2015.
10 (tied). New Year’s resolutions may be more procrastination than motivation
The first week of January returned another top ten hit with this timely Reuters article about the downside of relying on once-a-year resolutions to maintain a fitness regime.
9 (tied). Australian dollar hit hard as others enjoy an easier time
The Reuters November 2014 article about our dollar (then US$0.8514) pricked the interest of many. It was a sign of things to come with the dollar now under US$0.76!
9 (tied). China stocks top performers in 2014, oil plunges, dollar sees best gain in nine years
Our first January 2015 batch of stories provided another top tenner with this economic update from Reuters.
8. Ten ways to put your retired iPhone to work
This offbeat tech piece provided amusement for many in September 2014. In case you missed it, the suggestions in this Reuters article were: clock, car music-player, remote control, surveillance system, cookbook, storage, voice recorder, document scanner and vehicle tracker.
The Age’s Topher Kringle’s December Xmas Superquiz intrigued, tested (and frustrated) many with 15 brain teasers.
6. Mortgage rates will rise, so be prepared
The Sun Herald warned of rates rises and provided tips to prepare back in September 2014. Did they get it right?
5. Can we afford longer lives?
In November, The Canberra Times commented on our aging population and the need for proper investment strategies for retirement.
4. How to turn out a money-smart adult
Kate Nancarrow’s (The Age) November 2014 article reported that Australian teenagers ranked well internationally in terms of their financial literacy, knowledge and skills and suggested that more could and is being done to better prepare them for money-smart adulthood.
3. Beware the retirement risk zone
Another retirement story proved popular amongst your readers. Nerida Cole’s (The Age) November 2014 article highlighted the “retirement risk zone” (the “blocks of time immediately before and after retirement”).
2. Should you buy Medibank shares?
This timely article in October 2014 by Jessica Gardner (Sydney Morning Herald) provided a balanced view on the pros and cons of investing in this iconic Australian float.
1. Budget 2015 winners and losers
Well, the big winner was – this article! The Sydney Morning Herald’s succinctly wrapped budget report proved to be a smash hit!
We look forward to delivering more educational and entertaining stories to your readers in 2015/16 and are particularly excited about the additions to our news sources (read article here).