Over the last few months, Feedsy has been working on improving how we help our community get started, set-up, learn and use Feedsy.
We have revamped our set-up communications, made our online training easier to book and introduced a support ticket system to improve the efficiency and tracking of our online help.
Now, we are really excited to announce our new Support pages and here’s three reasons why…
1. Tonnes of self-help pages
There are now over 60 pages of step-by-step instructions broken into bite sized pieces and illustrated with over 100 live animated GIFs.
These are displayed under the following groups on the support home page:
- Getting Started – from set-up to training
- Login info – accessing the backend
- FeedsyCentre – managing stories
- FeedsyMail – email and subscriber activity
- FeedsyFlash – emails whenever you want
- FeedsyWeb – link to your news web pages
- FeedsyPrint – printed stuff in seconds
- FeedsyWrite – your own articles written by us
- FeedsyMail Add-ons – send more to more
- FeedsyApps – how to promote your apps
- Changes to your Apps, Mail or Web
- Feedback and Help
- Terms and Conditions
Related content is displayed on the side of each page to help you find other stuff on the same topic.
FYI: You can provide feedback by letting us know if our instructions were useful or not at the bottom of each page (and an opportunity to provide suggestions on how we can make it better).
2. Search for a solution
We all use search to Google for answers on the internet – right?
Well now you can search for solutions and we will suggest some self-help pages that might help. Too easy!
Note: If you cannot find what you are looking for send a request for help and let us know what you typed into the search bar (so we can continue to improve our support pages).
3. Send a request for help
If you cannot find what you are looking for then contact us direct with the SEND A REQUEST button on the top of the page.
We will be notified and get back to you with a response (usually within 24 hours).
We will then both be able to keep a track on our conversation as we provide you support.
Tip: The more information you give us the faster we can help you (ie “The app is not working” is hard for us to diagnose).
What is more useful is:
- Your business name
- A clear description of the issue
- What you have tried doing to solve the problem already
- The device(s) and operating system(s) the issue was experienced on
- Screenshots of the problem.
Next on our support roadmap
Improving our weekly and monthly email alerts…