(Feedsy Exclusive)
Anyone who thinks accountants don’t know how to have fun obviously wasn’t at the IPA Congress in Western Australia last month. A great time was had by all, with fabulous events and great food – the highlight of course being Feedsy cupcakes. They’re fast becoming our signature dish!
However it wasn’t all frivolity and silly hats – some incredible speakers were on board to educate members on everything from adding value for their clients to knowing when to walk away. Thanks Andrew Conway for an amazing presentation on how we affect the lives of our clients, and another big thank you to Sarah, Kerrin and Jess for making us all feel so welcome.
We’ve just returned from the IPA NSW Congress and we’re looking forward to Darwin very soon. It’s a privilege to contribute to these invaluable and enjoyable days of professional development.
If you’re a member of the IPA and you see us, come and introduce yourself.