The WebApp you have when you’re not having an App


By Gavin Klose
(Product Manager, Feedsy)


Do you remember this 80’s classic ad for Claytons “The drink you have when you’re not having a drink”?

You’ve gotta love a bit of mime in a TVC!


So why the ad?

Well we reckon our new product is a bit of a “Claytons” App (but in a good way).


We’ve been working on improving the entire app experience: from publishing, updating and promoting through to actually downloading them.

What we have developed is an app that tastes like an app but sneakily isn’t really an app – but is actually better than an app…


Introducing FeedsyWebApps.


With FeedsyWebApps, people no longer have to visit an app store and download anything.

Instead, FeedsyWebApps promotes itself to anybody viewing your Feedsy content on their mobile device with a pop-up. The pop-up displays how to add you as an App icon with visual instructions of how to “Add to Home Screen“. This pop-up only displays once a day or until that person actually follows through and does it.

So no need for you to worry telling people about it – as they will discover it for themselves.

Another huge plus for FeedsyWebApps is instant access to all web features of your FeedsyWeb because is essentially a mobile version of your FeedsyWeb. So any changes to functionality or branding on your FeedsyWeb is instantly available on your FeedsyWebApps.

No more waiting for app development, uploading and waiting for approval from the App Gods.


So is FeedsyWeb really the Clayton’s App?

Lets’ see…

Available everywhere – TICK

  • People don’t need to go to the App store (or a Bottle Shop) to find your FeedsyWeb.
  • So no more, “What is my iTunes/GooglePlay username and password again?!!”
  • It’s available wherever people are browsing its content (it’s like someone offering them a bottle of Claytons whenever they’re thirsty).

Stay active and in control – TICK

  • We (and you) were always at the mercy of the App Stores and their ever shifting rules and specifications – a bit like getting lost in your second bottle of red and being exposed to breathe tests.
  • If it now works on yourFeedsyWeb, it also works on your FeedsyWebApps – instantly and without the hazy “lag” of app development.

No Hangover – TICK

  • Whilst our “templated” FeedsyApps model meant low extra fees – there were still extra fees.
  • However, like Claytons, there is no regret the next day, because FeedsyWebApps is free on most plans*.

So turning mobile visits into apps withFeedsyWebApps is a Clayton’s app after all.


We have now activated this on our Feedsy channel – so you’ll be seeing a pop-up* real soon.

Or you can read more about it here: FeedsyWebApps.

We’d love to get your feedback!




* Note: Currently FeedsyWebApps only pop-ups in Safari (iPhone or iPad) and Chrome (Android) and is available (FREE) on Web+Mail Premium plans or higher.


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